How To Start Your Own Business As Creative Artist

If I Can Do It…So Can You. Have you ever wanted to start your own business as a creative, but felt discouraged at the prospect of it? A lot of the things we see or hear seem completely far fetched to us, and for good reason. These days YouTube stars the age of 10 are […]
The Exact Business Plan I Used To Start Jazz Piano School

Technically It’s Not Hard, Emotionally…It’s a Rollercoaster! When I started my first business called Jazz Piano School I had no idea what I was doing. This was both a gift and slightly detrimental. I was absorbing as many podcasts as possible. Reading as many blog posts as possible, and watching as many youtube videos as […]
My Story, My Why: The Purpose of This Blog

Who am I? What is the purpose of this blog? Why is he doing this? How can he help me? These are questions that I would like to address in this very first blog post. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Brenden Lowe. My spirit identifies as a jazz pianist because that […]